It has been a while, we realise that.  We have been very busy with other pursuits, Cyman Mark 2 bug fixes and... Cyman's future! (Which is exciting let me tell you).

For now, the present.  You can "send a text to ..." your contacts as well as calling.  This has been a frequently requested feature.  Aside from those features, many bugs have been fixed (and are being fixed continually in the background).  An annoyance that is being removed for this version, is the fact that Cyman would vibrate and inform you of a reminder  when scheduled - whilst you are on a phone call. 

We did not give an official announcement when Cyman 1.5 was released, but there were exciting features released there too! Including:

  • Scheduling tasks for Cyman e.g. "Remember to get the next train from London Bridge to Greenwich at 4:45pm"
  • Open websites e.g. "Open website"
  • Further bug fixes

If you need help with commands, press the menu button on the app and choose the "Examples" option.  Otherwise don't hesitate to contact us through this website!
Katie Heenan
3/3/2013 04:45:37 am

Hello, I am considering getting the cyman for my phone and was wondering with the voice texting feature if the person who receives the text will get a recording or will it be a typed out message? I am looking for an app that will be safe for hands free use.


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